Pre Workout Gummies Now Available!
Solus Supplements Creatine Gummies - Vegan & Sugar-Free

Better gym results in two daily gummies

  • Vegan

  • Non GMO

  • Gluten Free

  • Sugar Free

  • No Artificial Colours

Understanding creatine

Creatine is a naturally occurring compound that is produced by the body, and can be ingested when eating red meat, poultry, and fish.

Creatine is stored in the muscles and is used as a source of energy during high-intensity, short-duration activities such as weightlifting or sprinting.

By supplementing with Creatine, people may achieve improved performance in the gym or when playing sport.

Creatine has been extensively researched and is widely considered safe when taken in appropriate doses.

Countless studies have shown that creatine supplementation may improve athletic performance and muscle strength. However, it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplementation, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions.

Great question...Let's break it down in simple terms.

Our muscles use a molecule called Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) as their primary source of energy. When you're working out, ATP gets used up and turns into Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP). That's where creatine comes in!

Creatine, which is stored in your muscles as creatine phosphate, lends a phosphate group to the depleted ADP, turning it back into ATP. This process helps your muscles regenerate energy more quickly.

By supplementing with creatine, you're essentially increasing the amount of creatine phosphate available in your muscles. This means more energy for high-intensity activities and potentially better results from your workouts. So, next time you hit the gym, remember that Solus Creatine is there to help you unlock your potential.

Already taking creatine?

Creatine Monohydrate Creatine Hydrochloride Creatine Monohydrate Capsules
Classic Creatine benefits















Loading phase


5 – 7 days


5 – 7 days

Daily dosage


3 – 5g


3 – 5g

Solus Supplements Creatine Gummies - Vegan & Sugar-Free

Simplifying Creatine

At Solus, we're all about making gym supplements enjoyable and accessible for everyone. We believe that you shouldn't have to sacrifice taste or convenience for results, and that's why we've created our Creatine HCL gummies.

Our mission is to help you achieve your fitness goals and make it easy for you to fuel your body with the right gym supplements to help you perform at your best. So whether you're a gym enthusiast, an athlete, or just someone who wants to take care of their health, we've got you covered.


Our most frequently asked questions:

Creatine Hydrochloride is a slightly different molecular form of Creatine.

As far as benefits go, it is effectively the same gym supplement as Creatine Monohydrate. However, it requires a smaller dosage and often leads to less bloating for those prone to GI issues.

What's the catch? Well, the only downside to Creatine Hydrochloride is the price, so if you're happy with that, you're good to go

Creatine Hydrochloride (HCL) has enhanced solubility compared to Creatine Monohydrate, the most common form of the gym supplement you know and love.

This higher solubility means it is more readily absorbed by your body, reducing the required dosage to achieve the same effects as Creatine Monohydrate.

We aren't going to try and tell you Creatine HCL is better - because it isn't! It's the exact same, but allows us to squeeze your daily dosage of Creatine into two gummies per day.

The only downside to Creatine HCL is the cost! So if you are happy with that part, you're good to go

At Solus, we want to bring convenience to your gym supplement program, without blowing up your macros.

That's why we make our Solus Creatine HCL Gummies entirely sugar free sweetened entirely be natural sweeteners.

This allows us to squeeze your daily supplementation of Creatine into two delicious gummies totaling just 10 calories.

Yes, creatine gummies are just as effective as regular creatine supplements. They offer an easy way to consume creatine that is both enjoyable and convenient thanks to the pre-measured dose.

In the same way that powder can, when used in conjunction with a regular exercise routine and healthy diet, gummies can help boost athletic performance, increase muscle mass, and increase overall strength.

Yes, creatine gummies are just as effective as regular creatine supplements. They offer an easy way to consume creatine that is both enjoyable and convenient thanks to the pre-measured dose.

In the same way that powder can, when used in conjunction with a regular exercise routine and healthy diet, gummies can help boost athletic performance, increase muscle mass, and increase overall strength.

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